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Lucky Ducky Daycare
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri ( 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM )
Enroll Now for Fall
Before & After school Program
Plainville, Ma
( Grades K-2 )

Plainville, Ma
School Age Childcare
( For grades K-2 )
Before & After School Care
6:30-8:30 am & 3 pm-5:30 pm
Supervised pick up & drop off at the bus stop
1 day | $45
2 days | $90
3 days | $135
4 days | $180
5 days | $225
Breakfast & pm snack served daily
We are open on 1/2 days, school vacation weeks, snow days & school delays due to stormy weather!

After School Care (3:00 - 5:30 pm)
Time to complete homework
PM snack
Pick up your child from the bus stop
1 day | $25
2 days | $50
3 days | $75
4 days | $100
5 days | $125
The price includes PM snack daily
Before School Care (6:30-8:30 am)
Free breakfast served daily
Supervised bus stop time
1 day | $20-
2 days | $40-
3 days | $60
4 days | $80
5 days | $100
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